
Saturday, September 28, 2013

You will be called "Old fashioned"

Alma 30:14  "Behold, these things which ye call prophecies, which ye say are handed down by holy prophets, behold, they are foolish traditions of your fathers."--Korihor(a known anti-Christ)

Remember the times of the Cosby Show? Good family, dad, 5 children...loved each other?  The typical American family.  Even though it was not that many years ago, times have sure changed.  In this day in age, we often are no longer shocked to see couples who never marry, or never have children.  It has become a norm to have premarital sex or see unwed mothers.  Divorce rates have greatly increased and birth rates have decreased.  Why are we no longer shocked?  Why have we seemed to loose value in families?  Why is the way of the Cosby show considered "old fashioned"?
During this week of my Family Relations class, we discussed these trends and why they are happening.  I wonder how much of this has to do with the fact that we as a world have slowly pushed God out of our lives.  In America, we can no longer pray in school.  America would like to take God out of the constitution and pledge of allegiance.  I know that these are not the textbook answers, but I feel deep down, that this is the biggest reason for our world changing.  In 1995, we received the Proclamation to the Family through the twelve apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  I know that the timing of this is not a coincidence.  We need to know what defines a family more than ever.  In this Proclamation, we can learn of what marriage is and what each of our roles are as males and females.  I know that many out there might not agree with this message, but I would ask you to read it with an open mind and ask(pray) to know if it is true.  Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf said, "...Never in the history of the world has it been more important to learn how to correctly discern between truth and error." Satan wants to deceive us on what a family truly is.  He wants us to feel alone and helpless.  Even though this Proclamation will be the "road less traveled"or "old fashioned", it is the way of the Lord.  It is the way for us to be truly happy.  It is the way to be with our family forever.  Notice this Proclamation does not just say this is only for the people of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, but for the world!

I also recommend reading the words of Elder Henry B. Eyring from his BYU address shortly after The Proclamation was released.  His message is powerful.

I sure miss the Cosby Show...

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Forever is an awfully long time...

Let's face it, when it comes to family, we all feel like this from time to time...

Sometimes I want to "make my family disappear"...but most of the time, I wouldn't trade them for the world.  My family is my greatest joy.  I love being able to be with others that will love me no matter what or who I am.  According to the LDS handbook 2: Families in the Church it reads, "Heavenly Father established families to bring us happiness, to help us learn correct principles in a loving atmosphere, and to prepare us for eternal life."  I know that many out there, maybe even you, do not have this in your home, but this is something to strive for in the future.  I didn't have the perfect family growing up, and my home was not the most ideal place to come home to, but as I moved out and started a family of my own, I tried to make this a priority for my spouse and children.  The world needs more righteous families.  They need examples of couples who have respect and love towards one another, who strive to have a home that the spirit can dwell in.  There are many types of families out there, and sometimes we don't have control over our family situations, but just remember you are never alone.  Heavenly Father loves you and is aware of you.  We all have a heavenly family.
I started this blog for a college class that I am taking at BYU-Idaho, but I hope that this blog will become more than just an assignment.  I hope that, even though I am not the best writer, I might be able to help bring someone to a greater understanding of what this life is all about: family.