
Friday, October 18, 2013

A Sensitive Topic

In my family relations class this week, we talked about a sensitive subject, same sex attraction.  This is a hard issue to discuss, and I don't wish to offend anyone by this post.  I can't say I know for certain what causes these same sex attractions.  I feel deeply that I must take the same view as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints approach on this issue.  Dallin H. Oaks and Lance B. Wickman did a interview with public affairs on same-gender attraction found here:

In this interview, Wickman had said, "Whether it is nature or nurture really begs the important question, and a preoccupation with nature or nurture can, it seems to me, lead someone astray from principles that Elder Oaks has been describing here.  Why somebody has a same-gender attraction...who can say? But what matters is the fact that we know we can control how we behave, and it is behavior which is important."

I also like where Elder Oaks talked about how the sin is not in having those inclinations or feelings, but it is in yielding to that temptation.  This commandment applies to everyone.  We have the agency to choose how we will live. God has commanded to us that marriage and sexual relationships should only be between male and female, husband and wife.  This is how God has designed it.  The important thing to realize is that we are not alone.  God will never give us more than we can handle.  We can overcome all things through Him.

Some interesting things I have learned from my class discussion was that:
95% of gay/lesbian have issues with pornography
70% of gay/lesbian have been sexually abused in some way(often before the age of 12)

We ultimately have a desire for intimacy.  We want to feel loved and accepted.  How many, I wonder, look towards the same sex to find this...

I would like to share the video link that we watched for my class on understanding same sex attraction, in hopes that it might open your mind to a different way of thinking about this subject....

We also watched a video that touched my heart deeply in my Family Foundations class that I thought I should share.  This site is full of useful information.  Go to it and watch the video called, "A personal Experience"-Ty's story

I hope that this post has been helpful for anyone who is looking for more information out there on this topic.  Those that are struggling with this very issue, whether personally or with a loved one, I hope that you will find peace.  Pray.  Stay close to our Father in Heaven who loves us and would never leave us.  Hopefully you know or will know  just how important you are!

1 comment:

  1. Hey its your TA Emily again:) Thank you for your sensitivity concerning this controversial topic. I too enjoyed the interview and the power with which Elder Oaks speaks. Why do you feel that society tries so desperately to confuse intimacy? Why do you think there is such a correlation between same-sex attraction and pornography use?
